A brief history of bunk beds

Home Kitchen

Although no one can verify its start or debut, there is no denying the fact that bunk beds have been around for many years. Loft beds, futon bunk beds, and standard bunk beds have, in one form or another, occupied the bedrooms and hearts of parents and children for generations. And for good reason, because there’s nothing like the fun and joy of sleeping in a bunk bed with your best friend or favorite cousin and chatting the night away, when you know damn well you should be sleeping.

And while it’s almost impossible to trace where they actually came from, it seems we can thank the ancient Egyptians, at least, for the idea and concept of litters. And while there is no visual evidence to confirm this, it can be safely assumed that the loft beds of the ancient Egyptians looked drastically different than the comfortable modern bunkers we are familiar with and accustomed to today. Having said that, the fact is that bunk beds have definitely come a long way over the years.

Modern and trendy bunk beds today come in a wide variety of designs, shapes, colors, and materials. In the early days of popular modern bunk beds, you would simply have two square bunk beds, similar in shape and size placed on top of each other, a testament to function, if not form. However, fast-forward through a few decades, commercially available bunk beds today, that are commercially available, are equal parts sleeping devices and equal parts works of art. Yes, bunk beds have become not just something to be placed in a bedroom, but a focal point of the home.

There are bunk beds that are made from high-end wood materials, such as maple or walnut bunk beds. For other people, they may want something a bit more powerful; therefore, they look towards the purchase of a metal or iron bunk bed. And in addition to the materials used to build these beds, they are also full of splashes of color and personality. Cherry colors, bright white, dark blue, black, silver and other shades and tones are now available for people to purchase and place in their children’s rooms. That is, without a doubt, a far cry from the beds that the ancient Egyptians first invented all those years ago.

Another advancement of bunk beds is the form that today’s bunk beds can take. Yes, conventional twin over twin bunk beds are still available, but now you can also get twin over full bunk beds. These are bunk beds that have a full-size bed on the bottom and a single double bed sitting on top. Today’s bunk beds serve a much greater purpose than simply providing a place to sleep; now they also serve as space-saving and decorative pieces for the home. However, whatever style, shape or form bunk beds take, and those they will take in the future, there is still one aspect that will always remain, and that is the sheer joy and fun that bunk beds can provide every night.

No matter what bunk beds will look like in the future, there’s still something to call the top bunk, then run up the ladder and sit high in the sky (or, at least, that’s how a kid feels). Now, no one knows if the ancient Egyptians enjoyed climbing a ladder and calling for the top bunk, but even if they didn’t, at least they started something that has lasted as long as all those pyramids they built.

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