auto repair manuals


If you are a hobby auto mechanic who loves to dig into car engines until the wee hours of the morning while most people are under their blankets, you imply the spirit of the “do it yourself” -doer and not If you are afraid of oiling your hands or if you are in an emergency situation, a very useful resource is the availability of the correct auto repair manuals.

There are two types of auto repair manuals:

  • Downloadable online manuals
  • printed manuals
  • online manuals

    The great thing about online manuals is that any manual you need for any make of car is just a few mouse clicks away; you can upload it from the internet in no time.

    If time is an important factor for you, for example, if you are in a situation that requires immediate repair information and your knowledge of the specific problem is limited, the quickest and most economical solution is to search online for vehicle repair manuals. high quality.

    Some of these manuals include not only repair information, but also up-to-date service information and some of them even include approximate service hours. This is valuable information if you decide to take your car to a mechanic – you’ll know in advance how much you can expect to pay for the repair. Most of these websites charge a small fee for their service, but compared to what you’ll get, it’s well worth it.

    Good vehicle repair manual sites also have up-to-date diagnostic and maintenance information. Their manuals are original service manuals written by the manufacturers and contain the original workshop repair descriptions. Therefore, quality downloadable manuals are used by many professional auto technicians. .

    Good manuals contain thousands of pages of diagrams and all the detailed information needed for the specific vehicle and auto part repair.

    printed manuals

    I have chosen to briefly review three of the best printed auto repair manuals available on the market today. If you choose these over the online alternative, please allow some time for shipping and handling.


    • the objective is the experienced mechanic, and it is considered by many experts as the best reference without a doubt.
    • probably the most detailed auto repair book available
    • Unfortunately, Bentley focuses primarily on European models, not US models.


    • These service manuals are intended for factory certified mechanics and unfortunately not hobbyists.
    • may require access to special tools that are only available to authorized mechanics.


    • Simple step-by-step procedures, easy-to-follow standard format. His target audience is the average backyard mechanic.
    • focusing on maintenance and basic repairs
    • containing lots of sequential photos and graphs to simplify maintenance and make work fun and easy.
    • new cars are treated with great care. However, older cars are grouped together and the instructions for these are a bit more general.

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