Company culture: cold and professional or warm and approachable


Each workplace has its own microculture as a result of its industry, its location in the world, and the diversity of people that make up the workforce. However, culture is not just a case of ethnicity, it is a way of thinking and acting. At the individual level, we could define culture as the way a person thinks, acts or speaks based on their experiences and background. However, at the group or company level, culture can generally be viewed as the historical experiences and collaboration of the people who make up the group.

Unlike an individual, who we assume has some control over their experiences, thoughts, and general way of thinking, corporate culture is often guided by group guidelines and rules. Another, potentially larger, influence on corporate or group culture is internal hierarchy. The ‘highest ranking’ or ‘loudest’ parts of the group often influence the culture to follow their experiences and beliefs. The opinions or thoughts of the ‘lower-ranked’ or ‘quieter’ group members are often considered less important by the group en masse. This ultimately also becomes part of the group’s culture.

This discussion concerns corporate or group culture and how setting, both actively and unconsciously, a company’s culture can affect external and internal perceptions of that company. In particular, we are looking at the differences between a cold, ‘corporate’ and perceived professional business culture versus a more relaxed, warm and approachable business model.

Of course, everyone who works anywhere is always striving to be professional, that’s the way it should be. However, some companies seem to believe that being professional also means being cold, unapproachable, goal-oriented, and competitive rather than caring, approachable, and cooperative.

Is this the right way to increase profits? Does a cold, competitive environment accomplish goals at the expense of workforce morale and happiness? Is it sometimes worth losing staff members if, at the end of the day, they’re just seen as dead weight because they can’t keep up?

The answer is that it depends…

Cold and professional and warm and accessible work best in different industries and sectors. The financial sector, for example, is best served by an emotionless workforce, driven by facts and figures. It’s also important to meet targets and break down barriers, and this can only realistically be done if everyone is focused on work rather than organizing their next informal meeting.

A similar culture has to prevail in a company that is innovating, revolutionizing or making big changes. Amazon is probably the best example we have right now. The relentless, fast-paced work culture there, from the warehouse floor to Bezos himself, is legendary. The culture at Amazon is described as ‘gladiator’, which is what you need if you’ve decided to take on all the retailers around the world and change the way they’ve always done things forever.

However, this approach still needs professionalism. Amazon is not a rambunctious pirate, but a well-organized, fine-tuned, and exquisitely well-informed machine. There is no real place for feelings there. You may see this as cruel, harsh, unfair, or wrong, but Amazon will simply tell you that you’re in the wrong camp…

What about warm and accessible?

Where do images of the harbor bridge, posters of cute Thai celebrity puppies, and fluffy kittens fit in? Apparently, according to Japanese researchers, ‘kawaii’ helps people get the job done and do it better. Interestingly, the 2012 study found that photos of adult cats and dogs only slightly improved people’s focus and diligence. It is almost as if people have a need to be nurtured; well, actually, they do.

In some industries and companies, warmth and closeness will get the best results, leading to increased professionalism and profits. Of course, in some places, if you were caught staring at kittens to improve your performance, you’d be out of line for wasting your time.

Other companies, however, like Netflix, see kitty stares, chatting about problems, and taking whatever time off you want as time spent, not wasted. This company believes that nurturing and developing its people is the key to its profits. Oddly enough, it seems that giving people a bit of freedom and allowing them to set their own goals and complain about the boss works too. Netflix people are also professionals. Hmm…

Similar to how a ‘cooler’ culture can bolster both internal and external trust in a financial company, a ‘warmer’ culture should allow for more exploration of creativity. arts-based industry; design, marketing, photography, music, creativity, etc. they are likely to experience increased productivity and efficiency in a more relaxed emotional environment.

As a director, and as I write this article, I am analyzing my own company; what our culture is and how I would like it to be. I own a small digital agency in Bangkok, Thailand. As a creative company, I’d like to think that we fall more on the warm and approachable side of the scale. That’s definitely the side I’d like to sit on anyway. We don’t wear suits to the office, we don’t have punch cards, we listen to music, we drink too much coffee, and we love a good chat.

Can you be warm and professional at the same time? I’d like to think so. We’re pretty laid back and I’m fine with that for my type of business. Of course, that does not mean that we do not have systems and methodology. It does not mean that we do not have rules and guidelines and it certainly does not mean that we are not professionals in the business that we conduct. In our case, the warmth and closeness that we transmit helps the type of service that we provide. Design and marketing is something personal, different for each of our clients and I believe that we would not be able to do our work as effectively if we were teetering on the colder and ‘professional’ side of the cultural fence.

Where are you and your business located? Is that what you want to portray? Is your company culture the best for your customers and staff?

Ultimately, you can choose, it seems, because both models work. However, keep in mind that the larger and older the company, the more difficult it is to change the culture of that company. How you want to appear and act, and how your staff and customers see your business can be two different things.

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