Do you have penis pain? Here’s a guide on when to call the doctor and when to just DIY


Penis pain can be the worst type of pain for a man. It can be a painful, throbbing, smelly, hot, and angry experience that could puzzle a man as to the cause. Of course, the mind jumps frantically to sexually transmitted infections, but there are many other reasons for penis pain. Here are some that are more common than men think, as well as ways a man can deal with them. Fortunately, many are easy to fix and allow men to quickly go from a sore penis to a happy one.

Penis Pain #1: Penis Injury

Do you have a lot of pain in the genital area without rashes or infections? Probably the most common cause of pain is an injury to the penis. It can happen virtually anywhere and at any time. Everything from Saturday morning mud football, sexual stunts, and accidentally walking into an open cabinet door can lead to penile injury. Fortunately, most of the time it does not require a visit to the doctor. If it persists for more than a week, make an appointment.

For minor injuries, pain reliever and cold (not cold) compresses are the treatment. Also, give your penis some rest and stay away from any activity that could endanger your little friend, including all forms of sex and masturbation, until you are well again.

Penis Pain #2: Smegma

Smell some funk in the trash? If it smells like sour cheese and sweat, it may be smegma. If there is a grayish-white discharge with cottage cheese, it is almost certain. Smegma is a natural cocktail of fatty acids, sterols, lipids and dead cells. It can also attract dirt, sweat, and bacteria into the mix. When it grows too large, it produces an unpleasant odor and a red, angry, sore penis that spits fire when urinating. Nice, right?

For the most part, a week of gentle, consistent cleansing from the big guy will dissolve the problem. If it doesn’t clear up after that, head to the doctor’s office.

Penis pain #3: Balanitis

If the penis appears irritated and infected, especially on the head, it may be balanitis. Balanitis is an infection of the foreskin and head of the penis. This may also be the “next step” once the smegma overgrowth accelerates. Go to the doctor for help. If a man can’t urinate, he needs to go to the emergency room.

The doctor can also check for phimosis and paraphimosis, which are two conditions that affect the foreskin and often have balanitis as a symptom.

Penis pain #4: Peyronie’s disease

The problem with the curve is not just a Clint Eastwood movie, it is a serious problem that can result in a very sore penis. If the curve is 20% or more, it could be Peyronie’s disease, which affects more than 20% of men, usually over the age of 40. Peyronie’s disease is the result of a buildup of scar tissue that forms on the penis after years of use (or misuse).

If a man suspects that he has Peyronie’s, he should see his GP or urologist for treatment.

Prevent penis pain

The best way to prevent a sore penis is to take good care of it every day. Practicing safe sex, knowing when to say when, and wearing protective gear when needed are great steps to prevent penis pain.

One of the most basic ways to avoid penis pain is to adopt a regular hygiene ritual. It’s as simple as cleaning your penis daily (as well as after sweat sessions of all kinds) with a mild cleanser and warm water. Be sure to wash thoroughly, gently pulling back on the foreskin to ensure a truly clean member.

After a good wash, rinse and dry, use a specially formulated penis health cream (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on the skin) to seal in moisture and strengthen skin. Use creams with a variety of natural vitamins and nutrients to protect against bacteria and nerve damage, while building collagen for skin elasticity and stimulating blood for strong erections.

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