Goals and the keys to achieve them

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Goals are like thoughts: once you start, they never seem to end. What this means is that once the goal is chosen, you need to focus on achieving it in a healthy way. The old adage of building a brick wall one brick at a time is true, the emphasis should be on achieving one goal at a time, so as you go through the process, think about what is possible, “one goal at once”. Remember, life is a process, not an event, so keep your focus and plan to achieve as much as you can, one step at a time.


Find something that motivates you inside.

Have a clear idea of ​​where you are now and where you want to go.

Have a clear vision and set a path.

Take one step at a time, to be focused and determined.

Understand that change is a process and not an event: be patient.

Monitor your progress and strive to stay on track.

Be enthusiastic and have passion.

Never give up, be persistent, stay in the game.

Have courage and believe in your potential.

Enjoy the process.

Believe in yourself. Strengthen your belief in yourself. Say this to yourself; “I believe in myself. I see myself as the person I want to be, and I am enthusiastically achieving my goal of ________________________________by______________________.”

1. Use success reminders. They are important to your conscious and subconscious mind.

2. Constantly remind yourself of your goal or goals. Place them where you will see them at least twice a day. Listen to motivational tapes. Read.

3. Stay away from people who say; “You can not do this”. You MUST be around people who are going somewhere, people who believe in you and have faith in you.

4. If you only had big hits, you wouldn’t need reinforcements. Most of us have more past failures than successes. You cannot afford to be discouraged by what someone else says or does. Your success depends on you and not on them.

5. Know your goal like you know its name. Specify it. That way, if you know exactly what you want, and if you want it bad enough, ways and circumstances will appear to help you achieve it. You MUST confidently expect to achieve your goal. Teach your mind’s eye to see that you have already achieved your goal.

6. Know where the end of the road is. Have a map. A plan to achieve your goal. Written. Then determine to do what is necessary. Remember, “Don’t give up.”

7. Determine that you will pay the price to achieve what you want and achieve the goal you have set for yourself. It won’t be easy, but THE WORLD OPENS THE WAY TO THE PERSON WHO KNOWS WHERE HE IS GOING.

8. I have lived through this over and over again and am now at a point in life where I am enjoying the fruits of my labor, because I refused to give up. You will also be if you do with fervor what is written here. Blessings to you.

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