How to dress like a diva

Lifestyle Fashion

The term “Diva” has traditionally been used to describe celebrities, both for their looks and their “above life” attitude. But anyone can be a Diva, not necessarily in the sense that you force someone to choose the colors of the M&M’s because you only want to eat the red ones, but in the powerful attitude that accompanies these women when it comes to their appearance. Here are the top 5 steps to dressing like a diva:

1. The top: If you’re wearing a dress, you’ve just eliminated a step in the process of dressing like a diva, as #2 and #3 are combined for you. “Tight” and “Low-cut” are two words traditionally associated with our term, but this is not always the case. The painted garments worn by these women are sometimes created just for them and/or sewn for this purpose (sometimes sewn directly onto them). One word that can describe the top choice of almost all Divas is “seductress”. But this term usually means something completely different to everyone, as it is more of a subconscious feeling than an actual description. Color and style can vary wildly, but the bottom line is this: Nothing has the same effect on everyone. To be sure, a solid colored blouse works best. Red is a powerful color that commands attention, while black is considered mysterious. White triggers thoughts of purity (and this is why so many Divas don’t wear it much as they are usually ridiculed by the press). Purple is a royal color, while pink in all its wonderful shades is considered very feminine. Blue can make viewers feel depressed or sad. Green makes people think of hospitals. But no color will look divaesque if your chosen top is completely wrong for your body shape. Be open to many different style options, as no Diva would come off as a fool.

2. The bottom: Skirts, gauchos, jeans, pants, all the options that require your consideration and are worn by Divas. Unless you have a plastic surgeon to remove every little bump or bulge at different times of the month, a personal trainer, or just don’t drink water for a week before planning to dress for the occasion, skintight clothing may not be the best option. . best answer to your eternal concern about choosing the ideal fund. The general rule of thumb is this: If your top is considered “tight,” you may want to follow the lines of a “flowy” bottom. The same is true on the reverse: a tighter bottom will probably look better with a slightly roomier top. Remember, no Diva looks like a fool.

3. The shoes: Finally, the most important part of dressing like a Diva. Blueprints are not available, but take them with you in case of an emergency, such as your car running out of gas, leaving you stranded on the road and forced to walk 2 miles in 5-inch stilettos. It’s not a good scene. Remember that the Divas we know, love and admire have employees who will walk the 2 miles for them. We’re not so lucky, so we have to improvise. Just pack a pair of flats and keep them in the car. Anyway, sexy high heels like stilettos are the ultra high, super skinny heels, and the way to go, as long as you know how to walk in them. If you don’t know, learn. Practice for hours before going out for the night, as no Diva would get caught walking in a pair of sexy shoes that they can’t use to go up and down stairs. The shoes you choose may have a bit of shine, but you don’t want them to be the center of your outfit. “OMG, I love those shoes (well thought out, they complement your outfit)!” It is a compliment and should be taken as such. “How can you walk in those?” It’s not really a compliment, but it can be if you’ve managed to walk gracefully through the night. You just need to find out if the person making the comment is jealous or upset. It can be hard to tell with the females, so good luck.

4. The hair: When you think of the term “Diva”, the first thing that comes to mind is, ironically, hair. No matter what generation you are, you can identify with the lustrous locks that attract the necessary attention associated with Diva status. Cher and her infamous wigs (does anyone really know what her real hair looks like?); Diana Ross and those carefree curls; Tina Turner and her sophisticated fuck; Christina Aguilera, with her bombshell blonde look of whatever she wants at that moment. What do these beautiful ladies have in common? A colossal budget specified to do your doo.

If wildly long braids are what you have in mind, and your current hair style is somewhat short, you really only have 3 options: First, you could get hair extensions. The downside to this would of course be the immense cost of creation. At an average cost of $500 (without dyeing it the color of your choice), the average budget will not be able to cover this cost. Second, you could buy a wig, but a high-quality headpiece that doesn’t make you look like a clown (or Hulk Hogan) could cost you more than extensions. Third, you could wait to dress like a Diva until your hair gets longer. If none of these ideas are viable options for you, you’ll have to work with what you have.

Every length of hair qualifies as Diva-able, not just length. She thinks of Madonna and hers in her pre-Kabalah days with short hair, with slightly edgy curls “crazy glued” to her face. She adds a touch of glitter gel or hair mascara (choose a temporary color…in case you hate it), and BAM! You have a Diva-Doo! Hair jewelry is another idea, but you should really think of it as your accessories – you don’t want to be so “dazzling” that you start throwing off the flyaway patterns. from nearby aircraft.

For medium-length hair, adding some glitter gel, curvy curls, and/or fancy barrettes will add a little glam to your look. A little temporary color contrast won’t hurt your cause either. If you normally part the middle, do it to the side. If you normally part to the side, why not try a middle part? Your hair, like the rest of you, gets caught in a pattern of what it does, so by altering it, you add some zest and fervor to a traditionally tame style. No matter the style or length, be sure to pack a handbag-sized hairspray to keep your look fresh all day (or night).

5. Accessories: Adding a “little sparkle” to your outfit goes a long way in your quest for Divahood. Exaggeration is something traditional Divas would be ridiculed for in the press. “Maybe she’s trying to lower the mothership’s flag and return to her home planet” would be a likely comment from the entertainment media, so our respected Divas have professional help when it comes to this area. Yes, many of them hire someone specifically for this purpose. Unless you have a few thousand dollars lying around and nothing else to do with it, you’re on your own. Here’s a little tip.

– While “simple” sells, it doesn’t exactly put you in the state of Divaness. Think of Scarlett Johansson on the red carpet when you think of “No-Diva” and of Britney Spears, Diana Ross and/or Mariah Carey when you think of “Diva”. It doesn’t matter if you can’t stand a melodic note coming out of Mariah’s mouth, you have to admit that “all eyes of hers are on her” when she walks into a room.

– If you are looking for colossal rhinestone earrings, keep the necklace of your choice with good taste. The same goes for the opposite. If you have a chain of jewelry that you just need to hang around your neck, earrings shouldn’t be “overdone,” especially if your hair is short or up. The longer hair covering the earrings gives you a little more freedom to wear diamond-encrusted pendants or oversized hoops.

– Many consider that shoes are more than something that keeps the feet closed and safe from stepping on glass and other unmentionable elements. The perfect pair of shoes can be the final accessory to pull together your chosen outfit. Think about that when you choose your bling.

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