Respect her wishes to end the relationship, give her time to think things over and win her back!

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Your ex didn’t just decide they didn’t want to be with you anymore, they had reasons to. The best thing you can do is respect his wishes to break up for now, give him plenty of space, and then try to win your ex girlfriend back.

Your ex was obviously angry at the time of the breakup, and chances are good that they still feel that way. That’s why it will be a big mistake on your part to try to talk to her right now. She still has a grudge against you, and if you try to get your ex girlfriend back right now, you’re going to hit a solid brick wall.

The simple fact is that she is not interested in being with you right now, and is probably enjoying being alone again. Do not interfere with her or her life at this time; it’s her way of dealing with the breakup and how she feels about you. It is definitely not the right time to try to win back your ex girlfriend.

However, if you stay completely away from her for a while, she will most likely start to miss you. Their relationship couldn’t have been all doom and gloom – they must have had some fantastic times together if they were together for a while. This could be the key to getting your ex girlfriend back.

Give her time to enjoy her single life for a while, and let her get over the breakup completely, let it become a dim memory for her. At some point she will start thinking about those great times you had together, and this will make her start to miss you.

However, don’t sit back and wait for this to happen; it could take a long time. Get on with your own life too and have fun. At some point in the future, your ex will give you some kind of indication that he would like to talk to you. This is when you seize the opportunity with both hands and go all out to get your ex girlfriend back.

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