Tantric Sex Tips: 7 Ways To Please Your Lover

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Tantra is a spiritual path that embraces sexuality as a gateway to the Divine. If you experience lovemaking as a living prayer and see your loved one as a God or Goddess, then sex can take you beyond the world of form, into the mystical realms of formlessness. Here are 7 tantric tips to help you turn sex into a spiritual practice.

Kissing and Biting the Neck

The neck is a sensitive and exciting erogenous zone. Explore the entire neck and throat area using various types of kisses, bites, pinches, and bites. Take the lover’s direction from her as to what she likes. See if you can bring your lover to orgasm just by stimulating her neck.

connected breathing

Before making love, take some time to breathe together and connect your energy. Practice slow abdominal breathing while looking into each other’s eyes. Do this practice until you feel the energy flowing between you. Connect your energy with the energy of your lover starting at the base of the spine and moving up to the heart.

Share how you like to be loved

Take turns telling your lover exactly how you like to be love. Be specific. Show them where and how to touch you. You may even want to show it off by touching yourself while they watch. Describe how you like to be kissed, if you like to have your hair pulled, describe a favorite fantasy, etc.

Embody a particular God or Goddess

Dress like a particular god or goddess, such as Krishna and Radha, the Hindu god and goddess of love. Embody their qualities and imagine what it would be like to make love to each other as this God and Goddess. Then play your parts as “Divine Lovers.”

erotic massage

Give your beloved an erotic massage. Take your time, use long slow strokes and go slow. Discover new ways to give them pleasure. Help them expand their “pleasure body” using the 3 Keys of Sky Dancing Tantra, breath, sound and movement.

recite erotic poetry

Find poetry that turns you on. I like Rumi, Hafiz and Kabir. Spend time reading erotic poetry out loud to your lover. Write your lover an erotic or ecstatic poem and recite it to them. He invents a Haiku. Let the language massage your soul.

be a love artist

Stretch out and discover new ways to love like never before. Be a canvas for love to play on. Know that you cannot fail as a love artist. Humans are love in form. Allow yourself to be inspired and share your vision with others.

Tantra is an ancient spiritual path that encompasses all areas of life as a path to awakening. Human beings need to be touched and feel love. Sexuality is a way to connect with your life force energy and enter ecstatic realms. Learning to give and receive pleasure is healthy, fun, and bonding. Practice loving yourself and others every day. Spread joy and create a better world.

If you would like to learn more about Tantra and how to integrate it into your life and relationships, please visit: http://www.tantraforawakening.com. Sign up for my free newsletter which is full of tips.

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