Tips on Caring for Longhorn Cowfish and Squiggles


There are two species commonly known as cowfish. Both are classified in the Ostraciidae family. Between the two species, cowfish populations cover the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The scribbled cowfish or Acanthostracion quadricornis inhabits the Atlantic Ocean. The largest populations of these fish are found off the coast of Florida. They can be found in smaller quantities from as far south as Brazil to as far north as Massachusetts. The longhorn cowfish or Lactoria cornuta are most abundant in the Indo-Pacific. Its general habitat extends from Japan to Australia and even extends into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of southern Africa. Both species have elongated faces and characteristic sharp spines above the eyes. The combination of these two characteristics makes them look like a cow.

The scribbled cowfish

This particular species has a spotty color palette. The spots look a lot like the spots on a leopard. The squiggles on their bodies vary from blue-green to yellowish-brown. The color of its body also varies from blue to yellow. They all have a blue line that runs from the snout to the anal fins. The defining spines above their eyes distinguish them from their close relative, the Trunkfish.

Scribbled cowfish are inhabitants of shallow to medium waters. They swim in depths of 3 to 80 feet. They grow on average 8 to 15 inches, but have been measured up to 18 inches. They frequently frequent beds of aquatic grass. If you see an intruder approaching, you will remain motionless relying on your spotted color to act as camouflage.

The longhorn cowfish

The spines of longhorn cowfish are much longer than those of their cousins, hence the name longhorn. They come in variations of yellows, browns, and oranges. They also have spotting, but it is not as dominant as it is in its Atlantic relatives. A clear distinction of this species is the lack of a gill cover. Instead of having the flap common to other fish, they have an indentation. They also don’t have a pelvic region on their skeleton, which means they lack pelvic fins. Instead of a pelvic skeleton, the scales in the posterior region of their bodies fuse into a solid triangular shape. This fusion allows the presence of a caudal fin. This species has a second set of spines that protrudes from the lower part of its body at the beginning of the tail area. Their extraordinary uniqueness makes them the best-known cowfish in the aquarium trade.

These fish tend to live on the bottom of the coastal ocean floor lines that swim in waters up to 150 feet deep. This is a much smaller species. It will only grow about 4 inches long.

Common species

Cowfish have square bodies. They are often called a boxfish. Their clumsy shaped bodies make them slow swimmers. In fact, they are ostrciiform swimmers. This type of swimming involves the undulation of the anterior region of the body as a means of propulsion. This mode of locomotion is analogous to using a single oar at the stern of a ship. This peculiar method of transport often makes these fish appear to be floating.

Both species can be kept in a community tank. Nor should it be housed with more aggressive species. They release toxin as a defensive mechanism. The death of these fish will also result in the release of their toxins.

These fish are omnivores. In the wild, they use their rounded mouths to blow on the substrate and then feed on living organisms and debris that is dug up. In captivity they can be fed seaweed, live or frozen crustaceans, or frozen seafood developed for omnivores.

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