Winterize Your Penis: Important Tips to Avoid Cold Weather Damage

Lifestyle Fashion

The cold winter months can wreak havoc on the skin, especially in areas that are exposed to the elements. A man doesn’t have to be an outdoor enthusiast to experience the effects of cold, wind, and lack of moisture on his face and hands. But the most protected parts of the body can also suffer from the cold, not to mention the dry interior heat. The combination of dryness and drastic changes in temperature can lead to dry, itchy, flaky skin that feels rough and looks unattractive; And adding body-related friction to the mix can lead to significant pain and irritation. Any man who expects a romantic evening in front of a roaring fire to turn into something even more sensual will need to pay special attention to penile care to ensure that he is ready for action whenever the opportunity arises.

  1. layer up. The first rule to protect men’s skin in winter is to dress in layers. The innermost layer, the one that comes into direct contact with the skin, should be made of a soft, breathable fabric like cotton. This will allow air circulation to prevent excessive sweating, which can cause skin irritation (not to mention an unpleasant odour) while protecting delicate skin from rougher fabrics. For outdoor activities, it’s always a good idea to dress in thermal layers that can be added and removed as needed to prevent overheating and ward off the cold.
  2. Moisturize, hydrate, hydrate. Drinking water in hot weather is a no-brainer, as people tend to sweat and feel thirsty during the summer months. But proper hydration is especially important when the temperature drops, as cold and wind tend to dehydrate. Drinking plenty of water is important for cellular function, including nourishment and repair of penile skin cells, so keeping a bottle of water handy throughout the day is a must.
  3. Keep clean! Accumulated sweat, body fluids and dirt can severely irritate delicate skin, so regular washing is essential to keep the tissue healthy. A daily wash with warm water, using a gentle cleanser, is usually all that is needed to remove layers of dirt, dead skin cells and sweat. Do not rub or scrub as these can leave the skin rough and sore; and be sure to pat the area dry gently afterwards, before putting on any clothes.
  4. Beware of drying soaps and detergents. While cleanliness is important, men often make the mistake of reaching for harsh, drying soaps, or using shampoos and other cleansers that tend to strip body oils from the skin. These materials can leave the skin tight, dry, and itchy, and can cause a rough, scaly appearance. Gentle, moisturizing cleansers are recommended instead, and for men who have sensitive skin, it may also be best to look for hypoallergenic laundry detergents.
  5. Hydrate! Some are notoriously wary of applying feminine creams, lotions, or other potions to their manly skin, but a moisturizer made Only for men there is nothing to shrink from. Natural emollients like shea butter, as well as moisturizing elements like vitamin E, aren’t just for women. A healthy penis begins with the skin, and keeping penile tissue soft, supple and supple means using a combination of ingredients formulated with men in mind. A top-tier penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil)Applied after a daily shower, it’s a great option for men who want to protect their most delicate assets from the drying effects of cold weather and indoor heat.

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