Hunting and scents


Ask any veteran hunter what the biggest mistake made by the hobby hunter is and they will all say the same thing: shower and use aftershave and deodorant the morning of the hunt. Going hunting smelling like prom is a sure way to guarantee a day without shots.

You have several options when it comes to your scent if the day’s hunt has any chance of succeeding. You can purchase masking scents that mimic one of the natural outdoor scents, such as the woods or small game.

Experienced hunters advise that the best way to hide your envoy is to simply not develop one in the first place. After all, the only thing a deer can’t smell is nothing. You can accomplish this by washing with unscented soap and using unscented shampoo. Never wear perfume, aftershave, or scented deodorants before you go hunting.

You can accomplish this by washing with unscented soap and using unscented shampoo. Never wear perfume, aftershave, or scented deodorants the last few days before you go hunting.

You can get unscented detergents and you should use them to wash your hunting clothes. Always let them dry outside on a line (weather permitting) and, if possible, hang them outside before you hit the road. If you bring any food, seal it in airtight bags.

For every masking scent on the market, there are just as many scents designed to draw prey to you.

Lures can be used to mimic the food source of deer or a doe in heat, for example. They are designed to engage the natural curiosity of animals and get them close enough for you to take that photo.

Many hunting professionals will agree that scents can be useful if used correctly. Animal experts tell us that an adult male can smell 1 part of human scent buried under 10,000 parts of any masking scent. We know that deer rely on their sense of smell to survive, so this fact shouldn’t surprise us.

When using a lure for hunting, keep in mind that you will have to be extremely vigilant and time your shot perfectly. Prey will only get so close before “sniffing out a rat” and running for cover.

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