Where do I find my soulmate? You are asking the wrong question!

Arts Entertainments

Singles always want to know: Where do I go to meet that special someone who is going to rock my world?

That my friend, is the wrong question!

Attracting amazing love isn’t about where you go, or even what you do. It really is about how you are BEING.

It’s about how you present yourself to the world, every day, wherever you go.

Let me show you what I mean. The other weekend I was at a popular singles dance spot.

I was chatting with some people about what it takes to attract your soulmate, or heck, even your next date, when I noticed a very interesting woman on the dance floor.

I was attracted to her not because of her extraordinary good looks, but because of her GLOW.

She had an effervescent charm that emanated from every pore of her. She wasn’t the youngest, least dressed, or prettiest woman in the room, but clearly, unashamedly, she was ENJOYING herself.

The result?

I could hardly take my eyes off her, I loved watching her dance because her warm, happy and playful spirit showed.

I bet all the men in the place noticed her the same way I did, because she was so bright you couldn’t help but be drawn to her glow!

Sure, it didn’t hurt that she was wearing a cute outfit that included a trendy skirt, but what was so convincing about her was the laid-back, confident, fun-loving vibe that she put off so easily, effortlessly.

That is the vibration of the soul mate magnet.

This woman got it. She knew that what would attract a great man was WHO SHE WAS. She wasn’t worried about how to find him. She just decided to have fun and show her best qualities to the world.

When you know who you are and really like who you are, suddenly people like you too. They are attracted to you without even knowing why.

They are drawn to you like a moth to a flame, they I have to to know more about you.

That is Magnetism. And this woman proved that you don’t have to be beautiful, or young, or nearly naked to exude it.

You exude it by consciously choosing to embody the best of you, every time you walk out that door.

And when your Master the step into your best and most authentic self, you will be able to shine with that radiant glow and attract the attention of great emotionally available partners who are ready to share themselves with you.

You will find people responding to you wherever you go. Your whole world can become a “pick up place”.

This is how you attract your soul mate, on an everyday basis, shining your bright self, far and wide, for all to see!

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